How to create a professional construction company website with Hostgator and Bauer wordpress Theme
How to create a professional construction website with Hostgator and Bauer Elementor Theme 2021
In today’s digital age, having a website is not just about promoting your brand in the digital world, it is also about coming off as a modern and visionary company… as well as giving yourself more exposure and access to the customers that you would have otherwise never reached out to.
It is also highly convenient for your customers to browse through your services from the comforts of their home, and contact you.
So, let me start by highlighting some of the most important elements that have to be included in your construction website if you want it to bring you more business and growth opportunities.
Step#1 Buy a Hosting plan with Hostgator
The first step in buying web hosting with Hostgator is to visit Hostgator by clicking here. You will now be on the Hostgator home page.
Now click on get started button. It will show 3 different plans hatchling, baby, and business plan.
Hatchling plan is good for single website. If you need multiple website go for Baby or Business plan.
Once you decide the plan click on yellow buy now button to proceed.
ON next page you need to choose your domain. You can enter your existing domain or new one. If the domain name is unavailable, Hostgator will let you know. It will show other domain extensions your domain name is available with.
Then you need to enter your email, password and billing details to create hostgator account. At last it will show some additional services like sitelock, backup etc. I highly recommend you go with doman privacy. It will protect your personal information and you won’t have to deal with telemarketers trying to sell you services constantly on the phone or get spam email.
Now Scroll down and select you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions and click checkout now. You’ll now be directed to a payment confirmation page, and Hostgator is now setting up your account. This will only take a few seconds to minutes.
At this time Hostgator is also going to email you your Hostgator receipt and your Hostgator CPanel login details. Once you get the login details, click the link in the email to log in to the Hostgator CPanel.
Step#2 Install wordpress on Hostgator via Cpanel
To install WordPress on the primary domain of your new hosting package:
- Log into your Customer Portal.
- On the Dashboard, you will see the Welcome, (Your Name) section on top.
- Click the Create Website button.
- A new page will appear where you can install WordPress on your primary domain in one click!
- Click Get Started to initiate installation.
- It will display a confirmation page notifying you of the successful installation and provide the logins of your new WordPress website and a temporary URL. The temporary URL will allow you access to your WordPress Dashboard if the domain is not yet pointed to your server.
- Click Copy to copy your credentials.
- Click Go to WordPress.
- Enter the credentials you copied earlier.
- You can now start creating your website here.
Step#3 Purchase Bauer Construction company theme from themeforest
Launched in 2008, ThemeForest is the world’s most popular WordPress theme marketplace, pairing WordPress theme developers with hungry buyers.
Follow this link to Bauer theme
Then click on add to cart
Then a popup will open showing theme price, click on checkout button. NOw you need to enter name, email and billing address to create an account. Then select a pyament method and complete the purchase.
Once purchase is done, click on account profile icon and go to download. Here you can see your recently purchased theme. Now download the theme files.
Step#4 Upload the theme to WordPress and Activate it.
- From your WordPress Administration area, head to Appearance > Themes and click Add New.
- The Add New theme screen has a new option, Upload Theme.
- The theme upload form is now open, click Choose File, select the theme zip file on your computer and click Install Now.
- The theme is now ready to be activated from your admin. Select the Appearance tab and open the Themes directory, locate the theme and click the Activate link.
- Enter the purchase code given by themeforest to activate the theme.
- Then you will see a message with required plugin installation, press install plugins. Select all checboxes and press install then activate plugins. Now your theme is installed correctly and all plugins installed and activated.
Step#5 Setup Bauer Construction theme with demo contents.
1. After theme installation you need to import demo data to have starting point for website creation. With our themes it is very easy to do, just one clik. Goto wp admin panel > appearance > import demo data > and press the button. All your demo data will be imported, this may take several minutes.
2. Then you need to import revolution slider data separatelly. Download theme full zip pack from themeforest > unzip it > you will see “demo” folder > open it and inside you will see files or files.
3. Import that files to wp admin panel > revolutions slider >import. After doing this you will have exact copy of demo on your website.
Step#6 Configuring Front Homepage and Blog Archive Pages
By default in WordPress front page looks like blog archive page, to change it you need to goto wp admin panel > settings > readings > and you will see options to place blog page and front page. Switch to “static” page and place correct homepage and blog page that you need.
Step#7 Start customising theme and replace demo contents
Simply navigate to Appearance > Customize to make changes to the design of your website.There you can find all options to change anything in theme, it is easy and intuitive. This is live customizer, so all changes you can see at once, without saving, then when you like result, save.
1. Creating menus. To create or edit existing menu you need to goto wp admin panel > appearance > menus. There you will see options to create menus, create menu items, manage menu locations ( assing exact menu to different locations ).
You have powerful and flexible drag and drop tool WPBakery page builder to create any content you want int pages. To learn how this plugins works, you need to examine their documentation:
2. To create page you need to goto wp admin panel > pages > add new.
3. After adding page goto edit it, and you will see WPBakery page builder, switche to WPBakery page builder, there you can choose between Baclkend mode, Front-end more and Classic mode. Let’s work in backend mode now. Now you can add any element you want, you can see tons of custom elements, created by us for this theme.